Salafism is currently the fastest growing Islamist movement in Germany. It provides a breeding ground for extremism, violence and terrorism; it is dynamic, attractive to young people and radicalizing.
Therefore we must also provide targeted “Answers to Salafism” in Bavaria. This is a task involving all democratic forces. State and society as a whole must join together to prevent the emergence and spread of extremism. For extremist ideologies such as Salafism can have no place in our open, pluralistic society.
Since summer 2015 different departments in Bavaria’s government have been working together intensively in the “Bavarian Network against Salafism for Prevention and Deradicalization”. Beside state institutions, there are also two players in civil society working in partnership with the network.
Organisations from civil society providing support in the network
In the field of prevention:
The Bavarian centre of the civil society association ufuq.de provides information, training and advice for a variety of professionals, including those working in education and youth work as well as in child and youth welfare. They offer information and assistance related to the prevention of radicalisation based on religion and on attitudes hostile to democracy and freedom.
Further information in German about the Bavarian specialist department at ufuq.de can be found here.
In the field of deradicalization:
The Advice Centre in Bavaria of the civil society association Violence Prevention Network e.V. (VPN) is the point of contact for minors and young adults, who have been identified as becoming radicalised within the context of extremism based on religion, and to their personal environment.
Further information on VPN’s advisory service in Bavaria can be found here.
On this website anyone affected by or with an interest in this issue can find comprehensive information on the topic of Salafism as well as a wide range of services offering advice, support and assistance.
The most important information is also available in these languages - English, French, Turkish, Arabic and Russian.
SOS – Help & advice
The Bavarian Network for Prevention and Deradicalization against Salafism coordinates the services and activities offered by various partners. Here you can find points of contact and useful addresses, if you need help and advice.
If you become suspicious and there could be a serious risk
Do you suspect that a person you know could become radicalised or has already been radicalised? Do you have any information about activities hostile to the Constitution or even an imminent threat? We can help! Security services in Bavaria will follow up on all information e.g. about Salafist activities, cases of radicalisation or situations where somebody may be intending to leave the country to join the jihad.
Suspicion about radicalisation
Kompetenzzentrum für Deradikalisierung im Bayerischen Landeskriminalamt (Bavarian State Criminal Police Office – Centre of Excellence for Deradicalization)
Maillingerstraße 15
80636 Munich
Hotline: (089) 1212 19 99
Write e-mail

To pass on information confidentially or if you are suspicious about anti-constitutional activities
Bayerisches Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz (LfV) (Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution)
Knorrstraße 139
80937 Munich
Telephone: (089) 3120 14 80
Write e-mail

If there is an imminent threat
Please contact (round the clock) any police station or dial 110.
Advice for family members and anyone affected
Has a young person in your family or environment been radicalised or is at risk?
Are you a member of a Salafist group and want to quit?
VPN is the point of contact, if there are any indications of radicalisation.
Target groups
- Individual young people showing radical tendencies
- Family members and those supporting minors and young people wishing to quit radical groups
- Advice for family members about tackling extremism based on religion, with the aim of strengthening their ability to offer guidance and also to communicate and deal with conflict
- Advice, guidance and specific training for young people at risk of radicalisation before any offence is committed
- Interventions for violent offenders motivated by extremism in the penal system (deradicalisation training in prison and stabilisation coaching after release)
- Advice and guidance on getting out for those who have been radicalised (including: returnees from jihad)
Advice is free of charge and confidential.
Violence Prevention Network e. V. (VPN)
Bavarian Advisory Service
Hotline: (089) 4161 17 711
Write e-mail

Case study: VPN as a contact point for families and the community
A young person shows unusual behaviour (changes noticeably, starts talking about jihad or similar topics). Consequently, teachers, friends and parents become worried, but don’t know how “serious” it is. They contact VPN. There they find support and advice.
What happens if suspicion about radicalisation is confirmed?
- VPN gets in contact with the young person, talks to him.
- If necessary: long-term, sustained advice and guidance for the young person and his personal environment.
The brochure “Salafism – Prevention through Information – Questions and Answers“, published by the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior provides information about Salafist ideology, its ideas, aims and risks. It also informs parents, teachers and other key people about early signs of radicalisation, provides tips on how to respond and identifies points of contact for concerned family members.
The brochures can be downloaded on this website in the languages German, Turkish, Arabic, English, French and Russian - and they can be ordered from the Bavarian State Government’s information leaflet service at www.bestellen.bayern.de.